Sale / transfer of domains

The transfer of the domain follows the following steps (in accordance with all Domreg rules):

1. You pay for the domain to the bank account provided and you provide information about the domain acquirer (exact character precision is important).

Precise acquirer information is required (e.g. if you already have an account on Internet Vision, please check the exact details before submitting):

  • Name of natural person or name of legal person (e.g. UAB ABC and ABC, UAB is different, you need to submit exactly as you register it)
  • Email addressto register

2. Initiate a domain transfer (trade) to the named acquirer (exception - if 30 days have not elapsed since the registration of the domain name, under domreg rules, we have to meet a 30-day deadline, and until then we can change to the nameservers we want).

3. The named acquirer receives an email from Domreg that the transfer has been initiated and closes the domain to be transferred (registers it in his/her name) with the domain registrar of your choice. The assignment is valid for 7 days after receipt of the email.

Attention! Everything is done from us at this point, please contact the place where you register your SUPPORT, forward the Domreg letter to them.


1. What are the procedures for registering my domain name with the service provider of my choice after I have purchased the domain, after we have initiated the transfer of the domain, and after you have received the letter from

Procedures vary depending on the service provider. The information provided is currently known and will be updated on an ongoing basis (in any case, for more precise details, please contact the service provider directly). Important - don't get confused, this is not a change of service provider, it is the acquisition of a domain after a transfer and don't initiate the wrong procedure

A. Internet Vision

  • A. Go to -> enter the domain in the domain search registration field -> click check
  • B. You see a message that this domain is taken, but you tick the box that says "Yes, the domains listed belong to me" and click on Initiate transfer
  • C. Log in and complete your registration. p.s. Internet Vision asks for an authorisation code which is not required for this procedure, but we provide it just for that. In general, an authorization code is required when a domain is not being purchased, but simply transferred.


Service provider's formal procedure


There is no automated procedure, it is done manually. Please contact them using the contact details provided.

3. Internet Vision Support says that the initiation is not a domain transfer but a change of service provider. What to do?

It is not possible to initiate a change of service provider, this procedure is carried out using the domain authorisation code. Tell them that you have purchased a domain and a domain transfer has been initiated in your name and forward the email you received from Domreg. If Support keeps saying the same thing, tell them they are wrong and contact or write to Support again in the hope that a knowledgeable operator will come forward. Or move the domain elsewhere, e.g. You can then move from there to Internet Vision for free (using an authorisation code to change provider).

4. When I try to register the domain I bought, I am informed that I need a domain holder ID and to activate my account. What to do?

You are trying to make a free domain transfer from another service provider (switching) when no change of ownership. However, you need to do a paid domain transfer when ownership changesrather than free switching.

You will only have a domain holder ID when you register a domain in your own name, so that you can generate an authorisation code and change service provider for free. How to follow the procedure for changing the owner, each operator has a separate procedure, write/call them and ask, tell them that you have purchased the domain from another owner, a transfer of the domain in your name has been initiated, and forward the letter you received from Domreg (in case of any further questions).

5. Internet Vision Support says that the current owner has to complete the procedure and then you can move in with us. What to do?

The procedure must be completed with the operator of your choice. Instructions for completing the procedure in the Online Vision:

  • A. Go to -> enter the domain in the domain search registration field -> click check
  • B. You see a message that this domain is taken, but you tick the box that says "Yes, the domains listed belong to me" and click on Initiate transfer
  • C. Crisijungate and complete registration

6. After all the attempts I still can't move to Internet Vision, support says something is wrong. What to do?

If Support keeps saying the same thing, tell them they are wrong and contact or write to Support again in the hope that a knowledgeable operator will come forward. Or move the domain elsewhere, e.g. From there, you can then move to Internet Vision free of charge (using an authorisation code to change provider).

7. I gave the wrong data for the domain transfer, because it turns out that my account in Internet Vision (or elsewhere) had different data. What to do?

Submit the correct details (to the nearest character) from the email address provided by the winning bidder/buyer and we will re-initiate the transfer with the other details.